Curtis-Trudel, A. (forthcoming). "Computation in Context", Erkenntnis
Rowbottom, D. P., Peden, W., Curtis-Trudel, A. (2024). "Does the No-Miracles Argument Apply to AI?" Synthese 203, 173.
Radzvilas, M., Peden, W., and De Pretis, F. 2023. "The Ambiguity Dilemma for Imprecise Bayesians" British Journal for Philosophy of Science.
Rowbottom, D. P. 2023. Scientific Progress. Cambridge Elements in Philosophy of Science. Cambridge University Press.
Radzvilas, M., Peden, W., and De Pretis, F. 2023. "Making decisions with evidential probability and objective Bayesian calibration inductive logics." International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
Curtis-Trudel, A. 2023. "Limitative Explanations in Computer Science." Philosophical Studies.
Rowbottom, D. P., Curtis-Trudel, A. and Peden, W. 2023. "Evidence, Computation, and AI: Why Evidence Ain’t Just in the Head." Asian Journal of Philosophy 2(11).
Rowbottom, D. P. 2023. "Reply by the Author." Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science, Book forum on The Instrument of Science: Scientific anti-realism revitalized.
Curtis-Trudel, A. 2023. "Mathematical Explanation in Computer Science." Philosophy of Science.
Curtis-Trudel, A., Rowbottom, D. P., Li, T. "Computational Science and the Problem of Unconceived Alternatives: Lessons from Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics." Models, Representation, and Computation 2024. Paris, France.
Curtis-Trudel, A., Rowbottom, D. P., Möckl, L. "“What can philosophy of science do for XAI?”
April 2024, Analytic Philosophy Forum, University of Tokyo.
Curtis-Trudel, A., Rowbottom, D. P., Li, T. "On Finding What You're (Not) Looking For: Challenges and Prospects for AI-Driven Discovery."
April, 2024. University of Sapporo, Japan.
April 2024, University of Kyoto, Japan.
April, 2024. ML, Explain Yourself! Utrecht University.
March, 2024. Philosophy of AI in Asia, University of Hong Kong.
Rowbottom, D. P., Seminar on Scientific Progress (CUP), Section of Logic & Cognitive Science. Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences
Curtis-Trudel, A., Rowbottom, D. P., Peden, W. "What is the Challenge to Acquiring Understanding via Deep Learning Systems?"
September, 2023. Epistemology & AI 2023. Zhejiang University, China.
September, 2023. CLPS Seminar Series, KU Leuven.
August, 2023. Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea.
Rowbottom, D. P., Curtis-Trudel, A., and Peden, W. July, 2023. "Machine Learning and the Problem of Noise-Dominated Measurement." British Society for Philosophy of Science Annual Meeting. Bristol, UK.
Peden, W. "The Ignorance Dilemma for Imprecise Bayesianism."
August, 2023. Progic: Probability and Logic workshop, University of Utrecht.
April, 2023. Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economic, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
March, 2023. Department of Philosophy, University of Turin.
March, 2023. Formal Epistemology Meets General Epistemology Workshop, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy. Munich, Germany.
Rowbottom, D. P., Peden, W., Curtis-Trudel, A. "Does the No Miracles Argument Apply to AI?"
September, 2023. Epistemology & AI 2023. Zhejiang Univesity, China. [Keynote]
July, 2023. Philosophy of Science Seminar, Technical University of Berlin.
March, 2023. Kyoto University, Japan.
Rowbottom, D. P., Curtis-Trudel, A., Peden, W. December, 2023. "Evidence, Computation, and AI: Why Evidence Ain't Just in the Head." PCFS Seminar Series. Hong Kong SAR, China.
Curtis-Trudel, A. November, 2022. "Mathematical Explanation in Computer Science." Philosophy of Science Association 28th Biennial Meeting, Pittsburgh, USA.
Rowbottom, D. P. April, 2022. "Confirmation and Evidence in the Light of AI and Big Data." An International Conference in Humanities Research: A.I. and Beyond, Culturally Speaking. Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR. Conference webpage